Halal Steak Singapore Picanhas' Chinatown
In this episode of Eatbook Vlogs, Chiara and Hafeez check out Picanhas’, a Muslim-owned halal steak singapore that specialises in the picanha cut of beef. Watch and find out if it's worth going down for!
Disclaimer: Picanhas' is a Mislim-owned restaurant and are not Halal certified. Picanhas’ 90 Club St, Singapore 069458 All our videos are non-paid reviews unless specifically stated. Follow Eatbook SG on social media!
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Featuring (in order of appearance): Hafeez Harris - https://www.instagram.com/hafeezharris/ Chiara Ang - https://www.instagram.com/chiaraang/ Filmed by: Maverick Chua - https://www.instagram.com/mavcly/ Sherlyn Teo - https://www.instagram.com/lyn.teo/
Edited By: Maverick Chua Business And Sponsorship Enquiries: hello@eatbook.sg